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جاري التحميل ...


The importance of tourism in Egypt The importance of tourism in Jordan Contents 1 Tourism 2 Types of tourism 3 Most in tourism 4 The importance of tourism Tourism Tourism is an activity carried out by different groups known as tourists to another place known as tourist guide, and is going to this landmark through one of the means of transport available, such as cars, buses, ships, aircraft, trains, and divided into two types of tourism, within the country who lives in Person, foreign tourism means visiting tourist places outside of the country in which he lives. Types of tourism Religious tourism: means going to countries that have religious value to visit the sanctuary in Mecca, Medina and Al-Aqsa Mosque for Muslims, while the owners of Christian religion go to the Vatican and Jordan to go to the bath. Cultural tourism means to go to countries with ancient historical monuments such as monuments, mosques, churches, temples and castles with great cultural value. Recreational tourism means increasing countries with beautiful sites for entertainment, honeymooning, attending theater performances and many more. Sport tourism means visiting countries which will be held on Ordaha many different sports competitions in the fields of football, swimming, tennis, basketball, handball. Therapeutic Tourism: In some areas, many of which carry a great therapeutic value warm Kalenaabie that removes the pain from the body countries. The most in more tourism destination to the world's population for the purpose of tourism are: France, the United States of America, China, Italy, Britain, Germany, Ukraine, Turkey, and Mexico. Most countries income from tourism: United States of America, Spain, France, Italy, China, Britain, Germany, Australia, Austria, and Turkey. The most famous landmarks in the world are: New York Times Square, Washington National Park, Walt Disney World Resort in Orlanto, London's Trafalgar Square, Disneyland California, Niagara Falls in Canada, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Disneyland Tokyo in Japan, The Notre Dame Cathedral in France, the Great Wall of China, the Statue of Liberty in New York, the Taj Mahal in India, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, and Petra in Jordan. Spain, Madrid, Paris, London, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Hong Kong in China, New York State, Bangkok, Thailand, Istanbul, Dubai and Shanghai. The importance of tourism is a national income for many countries. Bears a great historical value for the definition of the earlier eras and eras. Are working to create jobs; to reduce unemployment. Increase the acumen of these peoples interest in historical heritage, to be a destination

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